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May 27, 2020

Our minds are always striving to get more, be better and have something different as if more, better and different will produce satisfaction. Join Ariel and Shya in Being Here and relax into the moment, where perfection resides.

May 20, 2020

“Sleep is a weapon.” Bourne Identity Are you putting pressure on yourself to get it all done? Do you stay awake at night rehashing the day? Ready for a good night’s sleep? Tune in to Being Here and resting will take care of itself.

May 13, 2020

Wherever you go there you are, so you might as well be good company for yourself. Join the Kanes in Being Here and why not invite your best friend along for the adventure? Yes, that means you!

May 6, 2020

When you are kind to yourself, you’ll be kind to the people around you and they will be able to relax and they’ll be kind to themselves and on it goes. Join the Kanes and let the kindness begin.