Jul 26, 2017
We've all experienced fleeting moments of happiness and well-being. Tune into Being Here and discover how to have well-being and happiness in your life with consistency. Callers welcome at Tel# 1-888-346-9141!
Jul 19, 2017
In this inspiring episode of Being Here, join the Kanes in a new dimension of listening where you surrender to listening to another’s point of view rather than fighting the content of their words.
Jul 12, 2017
Life can be jaw-droppingly, awe-inspiringly full of wonder if you are willing. Join the Kanes in Being Here and have fun, be curious and celebrate life.
Jul 5, 2017
When you fight the currents in your life you drown. Tune in to Being Here and discover how to be appropriate to life’s flow so that you can swim with them rather than have life be a constant struggle. Callers welcome at Tel# 1-888-346-9141!