Mar 30, 2016
Join Ariel and Shya and experience how life suddenly becomes easy, fun and effortless once you say Yes to how your life is showing up.
Mar 23, 2016
Tune into Being Here and experience the possibility that you are living your life perfectly, right now! Callers welcome at Tel# 1-866-472-5795!
Mar 16, 2016
"Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda You are already an expert if you drop the story that you are not. Tune into Being Here with Ariel & Shya Kane and discover how to go from Novice to Expert in an instant. Callers welcome at Tel# 1-866-472-5795!
Mar 9, 2016
How do you access the moment? Listen in to Being Here with Ariel and Shya Kane and discover how simple it can be.
Mar 2, 2016
Ever feel like you have to be more than you are? Listen in to Being Here and in a moment, easily and effortlessly relax into the brilliance of You. Callers welcome at Tel# 1-866-472-5795!