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Apr 30, 2014

Tune in to this light and fun episode on relating by award-winning relationship authors Ariel and Shya Kane and become a true artist in your own relationships. Callers welcome at Tel# 1-866-472-5795!

Apr 23, 2014

Most people don't realize that they play a leading role in the dramas of their lives. Tune in to Being Here and learn what it takes to bring down the curtain on creating drama in your life.

Apr 16, 2014

Most people struggle when they get sick or injured or when faced with illness of a loved one. Tune in to Being Here and learn how to be centered during challenging times. Callers welcome at Tel# 1-866-472-5795!

Apr 9, 2014

Ever try to talk yourself out of your heart’s desire because it isn’t “reasonable” to your logical mind? Step outside of the limitations of your thoughts and allow your truth to guide you into your own personal brilliance. Tune in and find out how.

Apr 2, 2014

Feel like time is flying by, and you’re still in the same place you’ve been for years? Ready to bust that rut, and have the incredible life you deserve? Experience Instantaneous Transformation with Ariel and Shya Kane.