Aug 31, 2011
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." - Mother Teresa In this show, Ariel & Shya will support you in stepping outside of your judgmental nature so that you can experience love for those in your life, including and perhaps most especially yourself.
Aug 24, 2011
Do you still think that you are “broken”? Still trying to fix certain aspects of your life...or of your partner’s life? How about your family - are you trying to fix them? What about your childhood - still trying to fix it? Join Ariel & Shya to discover how to defuse the mindset of looking to fix what isn’t...
Aug 17, 2011
Ever looked at what it means to be an artist? In this lively episode Ariel & Shya will share another possible way to look at artistic expression and give an alternative definition of an artist: “Those who go about their work with excellence, regardless of the profession. These people are true artists and what...
Aug 10, 2011
What are you afraid of? Fear is simply an indicator that you are no longer in the current moment of your life. It happens when you mind projects possible futures that are yet to be determined... and it always shows up with something bad. Join Ariel and Shya as they explore the possibility of living without fear. Callers...
Aug 3, 2011
Your DNA is unique and in every cell of your body. The way you relate to life and to others is also unique to you. Join Ariel & Shya and discover how to have more satisfying, authentic and honest relationships in this episode of Being Here. Callers welcome!