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Oct 28, 2009

Feel like you're bending over backwards and still can't reach the corner office, the reserved parking spot or the recognition you deserve? Join Ariel and Shya, experts on workplace dynamics, as they uncover how to bring satisfaction and fun (yes, FUN) back into your work. Mark your calendar now to tune in and listen as...

Oct 21, 2009

There are all sorts of benefits to giving up being “right”, (not accurate but righteously right- where you are right and someone else is “wrong”): Happiness, Fun, Well-Being and Magical Relationships to name just a few. Join Ariel and Shya discover how to dissolve the mechanical need to be right. When you let go...

Oct 14, 2009

Take it outside! That's right go ahead and take your Spirituality that is, outside your church, temple or house of worship. Everyday spirituality exists in all aspects of life when you experience life directly. FInd out how mundane acts take on a sense of fullness and life becomes vital and filled with meaning by simply...

Oct 7, 2009

You know, that noisy little voice that says things like, "That was pitiful!" when you miss the wastebasket from two feet away or "I can't ask for a raise," or "they would never go out with me." People listen to a private, internal radio station that plays oldies but not so goodies. Join Ariel and Shya and retune your...