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Oct 31, 2007

Increasingly, individuals are seeing the power and importance intuitive hunches play in their ability to be creative, successful and satisfied in their lives. Tune in as Ariel and Shya Kane discuss how to discover and hone your intuitive skill-set into a fine instrument, enhancing your day-to-day experience of living....

Oct 24, 2007

How did we lose our passion for life? The answer to that question will NOT bring back the passion – but this episode with Ariel and Shya Kane certainly can. Wouldn't it be wonderful to feel as though everything you do matters and as if just by being alive you make a difference? Join the Kanes for this magnificent...

Oct 17, 2007

"The first time I met Ariel and Shya I knew there was something magical about them. I saw such love between them, honesty, direct communication, no fear, no manipulation, no underlying fights, nothing messy, only total love and acceptance. I’d never seen it before and meeting them was the first time I ever knew it...

Oct 10, 2007

Even MasterCard ads are now saying that Being in the Moment is "priceless" – and it is. Many people have discovered the magic of being present yet find it hard to live in the moment with consistency. Join Ariel and Shya Kane for this magical episode where you can discover how to create and maintain a consistent state...

Oct 3, 2007

“Money is the root of all evil,” “More is better,” “Less is better”…people absorb many of the ideas around money that are engrained in our culture without examining what is true for them. Ariel and Shya Kanes’ approach is that how you are in your dealings with money is very much a reflection of how you...